Our Accommodation units are located close to Periyar Tiger Reserve and Sathram .There you can experience different weather situations and sudden changes of nature watch wild animals .. Feel safe and comfort . We provide Tent Stay , Home stay, Cottages near to Wild life Sanctuaries Dormitories

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This Cottage is located 500 meters from the entrance of Periyar Tiger Reserve .Set among the backdrop of Lush Highland Forest and surrounded by tall teak trees and spice plantations

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Home Stay

Our Home stay is Located 1 km from Periyar Tiger Reserve entrance and close to Periyar River . Spice plantation – pepper , cardamom ,coffee , ayurveadhic plants are surrounded by the Home stay

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Cottage in Sathram hills

Lush green Forests, cool breezee and abundant wildlife beckon you to the Cottage in Sathram hills.It is an eco-friendly elevated cottage and located on a quaint hill, surrounded by tea plantation

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Tent Stay

Tent stay for bachelors enjoying their week ends and holidays . traditional Hirange foods and trucking also arranging on request .Jungle stay located between Sathram hills and Periyar Tiger Reserve

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